Mission Statement

The 24 hour VeloVulture is committed to bringing you 86400 seconds of mental anguish followed by a lingering physical exhaustion of caloric deficit and sleep deprivation during the 5th and 6th of September. This all we will trade for the small price of gathering the best stories, memories and pictures you are likely to acquire during the summer of '09.

UPDATE: We just set up a collective album on Picassa. Send an email to 24hourvelovulture2009@gmail.com and we'll give you permission to contribute to it. And if you have your own photo page we can put a link up to that too.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Rules of Play

Alright children, here's the rules straight from Corndog(PDX)'s play book for your 24hr Velo Vulture 2009 pleasure. Note: There are some edits due to mathematical errors.

1. DON'T CHEAT. It will be hard and/or pointless to do so. Anything
that appears to have been either altered or sabotaged will be void, so
don't waste your time. If you are about to as me, "is this cheating if
we _____", the answer is most likely YES. This is two people teams. As
in you and the dead weight you though would be a good idea to drag
around with you for a whole day.

2. Internet rule of thumb. You will find out at 3:30. You don't need
to bother your homies every ten minutes asking them to look shit up
for you. Trust me, you'll do fine on your own. It's called planning.
Even if you called them for help, it won't give you an edge. You still
need to stop and plan. So find a hotspot or station and act like you

3. This is one day. A day is made of 24 hours. Hours are made of
minutes. Minutes are made of seconds. There are 86,400 seconds in a
day. If you take 86,401 seconds to finish, you will automatically have
done it for fun only. You will not be eligible for prizes.

4. Everything must be turned in as described on your paperwork. All
photos must be numbered with the number of the item and your team
number or name/initials.

5. If you act like a jerk, you will be sent packing. This
is for fun. Have a good time. Who cares if you win a prize but were
frustrated and upset the whole time? It's not worth it. Enjoy

6. Be safe. This is not an alleycat. You don't need to blow lights or
generally give cyclists a bad name while doing this. You have all day.
If you're smart you won't have to ride like a bat out of hell.

That's, for the most part, it. Questions now should be posted in comments and we'll do our best to answer.
